The Hidden Gems in Your AC Unit: Uncovering the Scrap Treasure

As an expert in the HVAC industry, I have encountered countless air conditioning units throughout my career. From residential to commercial, these machines are essential for keeping us cool and comfortable during the scorching summer months. But have you ever stopped to think about how much scrap is actually hidden inside your AC unit?

The Basics of an AC Unit

Before we delve into the amount of scrap in an AC unit, let's first understand the basics of how it operates. An air conditioning unit comprises four main components: the compressor, condenser, evaporator, and expansion valve.

These parts work together to cool and circulate air throughout a space. The compressor is responsible for compressing refrigerant gas, which then moves to the condenser where it is cooled and transformed into a liquid. The liquid then travels to the evaporator where it expands and cools the air that is blown over it. Finally, the expansion valve regulates the flow of refrigerant back to the compressor to start the process all over again.

The Amount of Scrap in an AC Unit

Now that we have a basic understanding of how an AC unit works, let's get to the main question at hand - how much scrap is actually inside? The answer may surprise you. On average, an AC unit contains about 5-10 pounds of scrap metal. This includes copper, aluminum, and steel.

The amount can vary depending on the size and type of unit, but this is a good estimate for most residential and commercial units. One of the main sources of scrap metal in an AC unit is the copper tubing used for refrigerant flow. Copper is a highly valuable metal and can be recycled for other uses. The aluminum fins on the evaporator and condenser coils are also valuable scrap metal. These fins aid in heat transfer and are essential for the unit to function properly. Aside from the metal components, there are also other materials that can be considered scrap in an AC unit.

This includes the plastic housing, wiring, and insulation. While these may not hold as much value as the metal, they can still be recycled and repurposed.

The Importance of Proper Disposal

Now that we know how much scrap is inside an AC unit, it's crucial to understand the importance of proper disposal. Many people may not realize that their old or broken AC unit is actually a valuable source of scrap metal. Improper disposal of an AC unit not only wastes valuable resources but can also harm the environment. The refrigerant used in these units, known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), can deplete the ozone layer if released into the atmosphere.

This is why it's crucial to have a professional handle the disposal of your old AC unit. In addition to being environmentally responsible, proper disposal can also benefit you financially. Many scrap yards and recycling centers will pay for old AC units and other scrap metal. This can help offset the cost of purchasing a new unit or even put some extra cash in your pocket.

Recycling and Repurposing

Recycling and repurposing old AC units not only benefit the environment but also help conserve natural resources. By recycling the metal components, we can reduce the need for mining and extracting new materials from the earth. There are also creative ways to repurpose old AC units.

Some people have turned them into outdoor furniture, planters, or even art installations. This not only keeps them out of landfills but also adds a unique touch to any space.


In conclusion, while we may not think about it, there is actually a significant amount of scrap inside an AC unit. From valuable metals like copper and aluminum to other recyclable materials, these units are a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. Proper disposal and recycling not only benefit the environment but can also have financial and creative benefits.

So the next time you need to replace your AC unit, remember that there is more than just cool air inside - there's also a valuable source of scrap metal.