The True Cost of Replacing Your HVAC System: What You Should Know

As an HVAC expert, I have seen firsthand the importance of a well-functioning heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system in a home. Not only does it keep you comfortable all year round, but it also plays a crucial role in maintaining the value of your property. However, when it comes to replacing your HVAC system, the cost can often be overwhelming for homeowners. That's why I'm here to provide you with all the information you need to know about the cost of replacing your HVAC system. First and foremost, it's important to understand that the cost of replacing an existing HVAC system with a new energy-efficient one will not increase the value of your home.

However, it may appeal to potential buyers if you decide to sell your property in the future. Additionally, the cost of installing an HVAC system in a new construction is typically lower than replacing an existing one because the walls are still open and there is no need for extensive ductwork. Speaking of ductwork, this is one of the most expensive components of an HVAC system. Ducts are responsible for distributing chilled air throughout the building, and they typically have a lifespan of 10 to 20 years. This means that when upgrading your HVAC system, you may also need to replace or repair your ducts.

It's always advisable to do this at the same time as your air conditioning system, as they usually have a similar lifespan. When discussing the cost of replacing your HVAC system with your contractor, make sure to ask if the estimate includes removing and discarding the old unit. This is an important factor to consider as it can significantly impact the overall cost. Additionally, it's best to consult with an HVAC professional about which brand to purchase, as certain brands may work better with other components of the system. Now, let's talk about the actual cost of an HVAC system. The price can vary depending on the size of your home, the length of the ducts, and the type and brand of the system.

To save money on installation, you can take advantage of local discounts, apply for tax credits, and negotiate discounts with your contractor. At Today's Homeowner, we use RS Means, a reliable estimation system commonly used by contractors, to provide you with accurate data on HVAC installation costs.